Last month I found this blue liberty print renmant in a shop in town. It was perfect, a perfect match.
In the process of making it, I found two problems. Well, three. First, the pattern was for short sizes (I solved this by cutting a longer bodice). Second, I was short in fabric (the solution here, was not to make the second flounce, and having thus only one at the base of the dress, a pity, but enough). The third problem were the straps; the day I wore it for the first time, they kept sliding down my shoulders again and again. I decided to remake them shorter.
Other than that, I am perfectly happy with my new dress. It hanged down graciously, and moved along with my body sweetly, if you know what I mean. Good fabric, soft and sweet to the skin, and an excellent pattern. What do you think??
Ah! I've included this picture of a detail to point to the finish of every rim of the dress. I decided to finish it with a marine blue zigzag all around.