Sunday, July 31, 2011

Liberty Print Jersey Dress

In this case, it was the pattern in Burda magazine what caught my eye in summer 2009.

Last month I found this blue liberty print renmant in a shop in town. It was perfect, a perfect match.

In the process of making it, I found two problems. Well, three. First, the pattern was for short sizes (I solved this by cutting a longer bodice). Second, I was short in fabric (the solution here, was not to make the second flounce, and having thus only one at the base of the dress, a pity, but enough). The third problem were the straps; the day I wore it for the first time, they kept sliding down my shoulders again and again. I decided to remake them shorter.

Other than that, I am perfectly happy with my new dress. It hanged down graciously, and moved along with my body sweetly, if you know what I mean. Good fabric, soft and sweet to the skin, and an excellent pattern. What do you think??

Ah! I've included this picture of a detail to point to the finish of every rim of the dress. I decided to finish it with a marine blue zigzag all around.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Red Long Dress

I got this fabric in a remnants shop because the tone of red was simply perfect and the composition of the material: soft, with very good fall.
Once at home I had serious doubts about it, because it could become quite tacky, if you know what I mean. The combination or marriage between the design and the material is the most important thing in creating your own clothes, even more important than the actual make or craftsmanship of the pieces, in my opinion, and key to success.
It was my husband who gave me the idea: a long dress, long to your feet. Wow!, I thought, the glamour! Summer was really near, so I decided to save it for now. In the meanwhile, I found this design in a Patrones magazine, and I imagined it a very good marriage with my red cotton/Lycra.

A good tip the magazine instructions gave me was to sew an elastic band along the superior rim at the back to prevent it from falling down with the weight of the dress or the movements of my body. It really worked. Regarding the making, I only regret the gathering under my breasts, which I realize should have been mostly in the center, rather than distributed all along the front.

Once I finished my dress, I had the opportunity to wear in a wedding, and I can modestly say, it was a success. I'm wearing a pair of red really high sandals we bought in the Hustler shop at The Strip, in Hollywood. The glamour!!

Click the picture to enlarge it.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Some days ago I was walking around in Barcelona and I found a store with this wonderful window. I was with my boyfriend and inmediately decided to enter. The shop was full of corsets, and as the very kind girl explained to me, they are all designed and sewn following the same techniques and materials than XVIII century corsets, only with steel instead of whale rods, and also steel courchetes to close them at front.

She kindly allowed me to try one on, with her help, of course, becasue only expert users can adjust them on themselves, and not all of them.

I chose a purple and black one. I put it on, and then she adjusted the inside flaps. Finally she said "are you ready" and in one millisecond I watched myself growing a super narrow waist just in front of the mirror. It was so strange, such a tiny waist on me, that I looked more of a drawn comic with my amazed looking face glued to it. But it was wonderful, specially the craft, how all kind of embellishments were applied to them, feathers, cristals, etc. Wonderful. Sitting with it was confortable, because the steel rods keep it straight, and the figure!

I just need an ocasion to buy myself one of them. Then the question would be the colour, but its possibilities are unlimited. I suddenly understood that a bride wedding dress is only posible with a corset and a big skirt under it, I imagined it with jeans, with short or long skirts, a lot of differents looks possible...