I ended up with 35 cm left of gorgeous Liberty fabric after making my short/sleeved dress and I had this idea of making some shorts for home wear, which is the most useful and sensitive department to be making clothes for at present, if making clothes is a must, as it is for me...
I used an old rubbed-off pattern of mine, but gave some more ease at the sides and center seams, being these woven instead of jersey.
At the end, I stitched it even wider at the waist than it is here, at least 1.5cm more at each side (+6cm total).
I self enclosed all seams, which I always do with Liberty fabric, and enjoyed it so much as usual.
The result is an easy going modest piece of clothing I cannot take off, haha! I am wearing them now, and I wear them a lot around the house and also when I go on small errand, like shopping, or the public pool.
I am fantasizing with long Liberty pants with a ribbed top piece... I am addicted to this fabric!